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It???ur body.
You have a right to physical therapy care that respects your privacy & preferences.

An independently practicing physical therapists is a member of your community with a commitment to you, not a corporate shareholder.

We are your neighbors, your friends, the volunteers in your communities, or the friendly faces in the grocery store. Simply put, we care about your health because you are a member of our community ??? just a number on a chart.

Making Your Choice Easier

Physical therapy has demonstrated its value as the treatment of choice for many musculoskeletal injuries. A physical therapist can help you alleviate pain without medications and possibly help you avoid more complex, riskier interventions, such as surgeries and injections.

Your physical therapist will work with you to identify the root cause of your problem to keep it from coming back!

Selecting a physical therapist is an important decision for your health and function through the lifespan ???ose wisely! You are the best judge of which physical therapist is right for you, and you should exercise a patient???ght to choose.

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